Health queries
Do you have a question about SleepDoctor? Find an answer to your query within our Frequently Asked Questions here.
Can I use the SleepDoctor Oral Device if I have missing teeth/crowns/dentures?
This depends on how many missing teeth you have, and which ones they are. A few missing molars at the back of your mouth should be okay, but if you have several front teeth missing you may have problems using the Oral Device. If you have crowns, we don’t recommend wearing an Oral Device without first consulting your dentist. This is especially true if you have crowns on your front teeth, as these are the teeth that have the most pressure placed on them. For those who wear dentures, the SleepDoctor Oral Device can be used if your dentures are kept in the mouth while sleeping. The Oral Device cannot be used if you have full dentures and these are removed while sleeping. If you wear partial dentures and they are removed at night, then you would need the majority of your front teeth and several of your rear teeth to be able to use the SleepDoctor Oral Device. Please consult your dentist or orthodontist if you are unsure about whether the SleepDoctor Oral Device is suitable for you.
Can I use the SleepDoctor Oral Device instead of my CPAP machine?
Mouthpieces like the SleepDoctor Oral Device have been shown to be an effective treatment for mild to moderate sleep apnoea. If you have been prescribed CPAP treatment by your doctor, we don’t advise stopping treatment without first discussing things with them. If you feel you have sleep apnoea, you should speak to a doctor and ask if they think the SleepDoctor Oral Device would be suitable for you.
Can I use SleepDoctor products and drink alcohol?
It’s safe to drink alcohol and use SleepDoctor products. However, alcohol can make your snoring worse due to its relaxant effect on the muscles at the back of the throat. SleepDoctor products will be less effective if you have consumed alcohol.
Is it safe to use SleepDoctor products every night?
Yes. SleepDoctor products are made with natural ingredients and are safe to use every night. For most people, positive lifestyle changes can help to reduce your risk of snoring.
Can I reapply SleepDoctor products throughout the night?
The recommended dosage of SleepDoctor products should be enough to reduce most people’s snoring for up to 8 hours. However, if you find you start to snore again at some point during the night, using another application of the product is absolutely fine.
Can I use SleepDoctor products if I am taking medication?
SleepDoctor products are made with natural ingredients. However, we recommend that you consult our doctor before use. Many types of medication, such as sedatives, can increase snoring due to their relaxant effect on the muscles at the back of the throat.
Can I use SleepDoctor products if I suffer from asthma or any other respiratory problems?
SleepDoctor products are made with natural ingredients and are safe to use if you have asthma or any other respiratory problems. However, we recommend that you consult your doctor before use. We advise against using the SleepDoctor Oral Device if you are suffering from serious respiratory conditions such as asthma or emphysema.
Can I use SleepDoctor products if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
SleepDoctor products are made with natural ingredients and are safe to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. However, we recommend that you consult your doctor before use.
SleepDoctor Products
My jaw hurts when I take the SleepDoctor Oral Device out in the morning. Is this normal?
The first few times you use a mouthpiece like the SleepDoctor Oral Device, your jaw might feel a little sore in the morning. This is fairly common as your jaw is being held in the correct position overnight. You may also experience slight jaw discomfort if you adjust your Oral Device into a more forward position. In most cases, this jaw discomfort is temporary and should be reduced within an hour or two of removing the Oral Device. Persevering with the use of your Oral Device should reduce any jaw discomfort, as over a few days or weeks your body should get used to you wearing the mouthpiece. If your jaw discomfort persists for longer than 2 weeks, or doesn’t go away a few hours after removing the Oral Device from your mouth, we would recommend discontinuing use.
How do I adjust the SleepDoctor Oral Device?
The SleepDoctor Oral Device is adjusted by hand using the screws on each side of the bottom tray. You can find a step-by-step instruction video showing you how to adjust your SleepDoctor Oral Device to the correct setting for you here.
What if I mould the SleepDoctor Oral Device incorrectly or it becomes loose over time?
If you don’t mould your SleepDoctor Oral Device correctly, or it becomes loose-fitting over time, it’s possible to re-mould the device. There is no maximum number of times the SleepDoctor Oral Device can be re-moulded. However, as the device is made of plastic, it may start to lose its integrity after the 3rd or 4th time of moulding. This would be the time to consider purchasing a new one.
How do I mould the SleepDoctor Oral Device?
The SleepDoctor Oral Device is a boil-and-bite mouthpiece that can be moulded at home in under 5 minutes. The Oral Device has been designed to be as user-friendly as possible, and the box contains a detailed instruction leaflet with pictures to illustrate each stage of the moulding process. You can find a step-by-step instruction video showing you how to mould and fit your SleepDoctor Oral Device here.
What if the SleepDoctor Oral Device does not relieve my obstructive sleep apnoea on the first night?
Many people find that wearing the Oral Device so that their jaw is in its natural position is enough to provide relief from sleep apnoea. However, the fitting of the SleepDoctor Oral Device is different for everyone. If after using your SleepDoctor Oral Device for 2-3 nights you continue to suffer with sleep apnoea, you should adjust the screws on the Oral Device. These screws are used to adjust the Oral Device equally on both sides, aiming to position the lower jaw in a slightly forward position. You can find a step-by-step instruction video showing you how to adjust your SleepDoctor Oral Device to the perfect setting for youhere. If your symptoms persist after adjusting the SleepDoctor Oral Device gradually to the furthest setting, we would recommend that you visit your doctor. It may be that your problem is severe and requires an alternative treatment.
How does the SleepDoctor Oral Device work?
The SleepDoctor Oral Device treats sleep apnoea and targets the main cause of snoring. Its adjustable design brings the lower jaw forward to create free space behind your tongue and ensure your airway stays open at night. This clears the obstructed upper airway, allowing air to flow through easily, providing effective relief from sleep apnoea and snoring.
How do SleepDoctor Nasal Strips work?
SleepDoctor Nasal Strips gently open the nasal passages to improve airflow throughout the night.
How does SleepDoctor Throat Spray/Oral Strips work?
SleepDoctor Throat Spray/Oral Strips patented dual-action, time-based formulation tones and lubricates the soft tissues at the back of the throat to provide effective snoring relief for up to 8 hours.
Can I use several different SleepDoctor products together?
Yes. Different combinations of both Oral and Nasal SleepDoctor products can work together to stop your snoring.
Will SleepDoctor Nasal Strips work for me?
SleepDoctor Nasal Strips have been developed for those who snore because of colds, allergies, or a blocked nose and work by relieving nasal congestion.
Will SleepDoctor products work for me?
All SleepDoctor products – Throat Spray, Nasal Strips, Oral Strips, Oral Device – target the main causes of snoring and have been developed with the loudest snorers in mind. We would usually advise people to try one of these products first, as they work for the majority of snorers.
Snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)
Can I still drive if I have obstructive sleep apnoea?
This depends on how severe your sleep apnoea is, and whether you have symptoms like daytime sleepiness that could have an impact on your ability to drive safely. When you are formally diagnosed with sleep apnoea, your doctor will tell you whether or not you need to stop driving and inform the road regulatory body in your state.
How is obstructive sleep apnoea diagnosed?
If you believe you may be suffering from obstructive sleep apnoea, we’d advise you to visit your doctor. For sleep apnoea to be formally diagnosed, you must undergo a sleep study. This is usually done overnight at a sleep clinic. Doctors will assess you overnight to see whether you have pauses in your breathing during sleep, and how frequent these pauses are. You can then be prescribed the correct treatment for you.
How do I know if I have obstructive sleep apnoea?
Sleep apnoea can be difficult to diagnose. Some people suffer from sleep apnoea and never even suspect that they have the condition. One main sign of sleep apnoea is loud snoring, but not everybody who snores has sleep apnoea. You may be suffering from sleep apnoea if you snore and stop breathing in your sleep, or wake up tired (even after 8 hours sleep). When you experience an episode of apnoea during sleep, you will usually wake up with a loud snore or snort.
Is smoking related to snoring?
Smoking can irritate and damage the tissues at the back of the throat. This causes your airways to become inflamed, leading to frequent and louder snoring.
Is being overweight related to snoring?
If you are overweight, the increased tissue mass around your neck could narrow the airways in your throat. This can lead to frequent and loud snoring.
Why do I snore?
The main cause of snoring is relaxed muscle tension in the back of the throat, which can lead to a narrowing of the airways and vibrations of relaxed muscle tissue. Another cause of snoring is congestion of the nasal passages which can limit or block airflow through the nose. This can be due to colds, allergies, or a blocked nose, which forces you to breathe through your mouth and can lead to snoring. Lifestyle factors such as drinking alcohol, smoking, and being overweight can all make you more likely to snore.
Shush Club Subscription
We’ve compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions, but if there is anything else we can help with, email us at shush@sleepdoctorsnoring.com.au and we'll get back to you promptly.
When will I receive my first order?
Your order will be placed and shipped as soon as you purchase your Subscription. From there, it will continue at the frequency of your selection.
I don't have an online account, how do I get one?
Create your online account here by clicking on the “create account” link and entering your details.
How can I make changes to my subscription?
You can change the products, amount or frequency through your Subscription login with the steps below. This will change all upcoming orders.
- Log in to your Shush Club account here.
- Click the ‘Subscription’ button at the right of the page under 'Account Details'.
- Identify your product subscriptions and select the subscription you'd like to make changes to.
- Click the "View my Subscription" button in the bottom right of the product box.
- To edit quantity, change/add products, edit frequency, addresses or pause/resume click the relevant section.
- To view all upcoming orders and dates view the ‘billing schedule’ tab.
Can I pause my subscription?
Absolutely. Your next order date can also be changed in your account.
- Log in to your Shush Club account here.
- Click the 'Subscription’ button at the right side of the page.
- Identify your product subscriptions and select the subscription you'd like to make changes to.
- Click the "View Subscription" button in the bottom right of the box.
- Find "Pause subscription” at the bottom right of the page.
- In order to resume, click the ‘resume subscription’ button and also scroll up to check the next order date. You can also choose to click ‘order now’ to order immediately or click ‘reschedule to choose an alternative date.
- The subscription product on your ‘Manage Subscription’ landing page should now have an orange ‘Paused’ tag, to indicate its status.
How can I unsubscribe?
You can unsubscribe at any time, we doubt you’ll want to! Your last charge will be for your last shipped order, if we’ve already processed your order and it's on its way, it will stop from thereafter.
- Log in to your Shush Club account here.
- Click the ‘Subscription’ button at the right side of the page under 'Account Details'.
- Identify your product subscriptions and select the subscription you'd like to make changes to.
- Click the "See more details" button in the bottom right of the box.
- Find the red "Cancel subscription” at the bottom right of the page.
- The subscription product on your ‘Manage Subscription’ landing page should now have a red ‘Closed’ tag, to indicate its status.
- You will be able to resume this cancelled subscription by logging into your account again.
In order to restart a subscription, repurchase a subscription product for home here.
What are the terms and conditions for Shush Club subscription orders?
You have complete control of your subscriptions: Skip, reschedule, edit, or cancel deliveries anytime, based on your needs.
By purchasing products through the Shush Club subscribe and save, you agree to the following terms:
- Recurring Orders: Your purchase through the Shush Club subscribe and save program constitutes a recurring order. Your card will be automatically charged for any scheduled upcoming orders according to the selected frequency.
- Refunds: Refunds cannot be issued after your card has been charged as the order has been processed. All sales are final once payment is processed.
- Pausing or Cancelling Orders: If you wish to pause or cancel any scheduled order, you must do so before the order is placed. You can manage your subscription by logging in to your account and editing, rescheduling, reordering, pausing, or canceling your subscription.
- Responsibility: It is your responsibility to ensure that any changes to your subscription are made in a timely manner to avoid charges for upcoming orders.
- Communication: We may send you notifications regarding your subscription orders via email or through your account on our platform.
More Questions?
Get in touch with us here or email hello@sleepdoctorsnoring.net.au.